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  • Study: Creative idea generation at work leads to indulgent behaviors afterwards

    Engaging in a creative-idea generation task subsequently led to more indulgent eating, drinking and exercise behaviors such as assembling burgers with more calories, crafting cocktails with higher alcohol content and planning workouts that burned fewer calories, says new research co-written by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign business administration professor Jack Goncalo.

    Engaging in a creative-idea generation task subsequently led to more indulgent eating, drinking and exercise behaviors such as assembling burgers with more calories, crafting cocktails with higher alcohol content and planning workouts that burned fewer calories, says new research co-written by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign business administration professor Jack Goncalo.

    Photo by Gies College of Business


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  • Editor’s notes: To contact Jack Goncalo, email 

    The paper “Creative ideation activates disinhibited reward-seeking and indulgent choices” is available online.

    DOI: 10.1037/pspa0000408