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  • Beliefs about cannabis influence older adults' choice of treatments for chronic pain

    Photos of professors Julie Bobitt and Hyojung Kang

    A new study of older adults in Colorado and Illinois indicates that people primarily used cannabis to control chronic pain but also to treat symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease, post-traumatic stress disorder and other conditions. Julie Bobitt, the director of the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences undergraduate program, led the study, which was co-written by Hyojung Kang, a professor of kinesiology and community health.

    Bobitt photo by L. Brian Stauffer; Kang photo provided


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  • Editor’s Note: To reach Julie Bobitt, call 217-300-6880; email

    To reach Hyojung Kang, call 217-300-9393; email

    The paper “Use of cannabis and opioids for chronic pain by older adults: Distinguishing clinical and contextual factors” is available online or from the News Bureau.

    DOI:  10.1111/dar.13080