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  • Are climate-related calamities erasing Illinois’ cultural history?

    Portrait of Andrew White. He is standing in front of a screen displaying two images: on the left, a LiDAR image of Monks Mound in the ancient city of Cahokia; on the right, an artist's painted interpretation of what the city of Cahokia looked like in its heyday. The painting depicts Cahokia from an aerial perspective.

    Climate change is likely to intensify the negative effects of flooding, erosion and development on cultural sites across Illinois, says Illinois State Archaeological Survey research archaeologist Andrew White. Saving the most important sites will require broad collaboration between archaeologists, Indigenous groups, policymakers and others.

    Photo by Fred Zwicky


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  • Editor’s notes
    ISAS is a division of the Prairie Research Institute at the U. of I. A short description of the new report is available here.
    To contact Andrew White, email