CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — An updated University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign license plate is available starting today. The new version replaces the “column I” logo formerly used to represent academic functions on campus with the “block I” that now serves as the unified branding element for academics and athletics.
In addition to the logo change, a new feature of the updated license plate is an image of the iconic Alma Mater sculpture.
The new version is in the collegiate section of the Illinois secretary of state website’s license plate guide. A portion of the U. of I. license plate fee goes toward scholarships for in-state students with demonstrated need. In the current academic year, the campus received $173,675 in scholarships funds from license plate fees.
Illinois motorists who purchased the previous version of the U. of I. license plate will be reissued the new version at no additional cost. The secretary of state’s office will mail two new license plates and a new sticker to current plate-holders.
Chancellor Robert J. Jones was issued the first copy of the new plate.