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  • Study: Child care providers often lack the training, resources to serve children with disabilities

    Jenna Weglarz-Ward, an alumna of the U. of I.s special education doctoral program, found in a recent study that child care providers in Illinois often lack the staffing, resources and accessible buildings needed to serve young children with disabilities.

    Jenna Weglarz-Ward, an alumna of the U. of I.’s special education doctoral program, found in a recent study that child care providers in Illinois often lack the staffing, resources and accessible buildings needed to serve young children with disabilities.

    Photo courtesy University of Nevada


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  • Editor’s notes: To reach Jenna M. Weglarz-Ward, call 702-895-1112; email

    The paper “Factors that support and hinder including infants with disabilities in child care” is available from online or from the News Bureau.