Applications for the 2017 Alternative Academic Career Summer Workshops for Pre-Doctoral Students in the Humanities – an initiative of the Humanities Without Walls consortium – are now available at the HWW website.
These workshops will showcase opportunities beyond the walls of the academy in an uncertain academic job climate. They are a continuation of a workshop series offered in 2015 and 2016 in conjunction with the Chicago Humanities Festival for students from HWW member institutions. In 2017, HWW will sponsor its first national summer workshop for graduate students interested in learning about careers outside of the academy and/or the tenure track system.
Pre-doctoral students are invited to submit applications for fellowships to participate in a three-week intensive, residential summer workshop for individuals who are working toward but have not yet received a Ph.D. in a humanities discipline, and who plan to continue their degree programs while also considering careers outside the academy and/or the tenure-track university system.
Eligible doctoral students must be nominated for this fellowship by their home institutions. Applications are due to each student’s humanities center director, graduate college dean or equivalent by Sept. 30. University of Illinois students should submit their applications to
Humanities Without Walls is a consortium of humanities centers and institutes at 15 major research universities throughout the Midwest and beyond. Based at the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities at the University of Illinois, the consortium is funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
More information is available online. All questions should be directed to HWW project manager Jason Mierek at