The Urbana chapter of the American Association of University Professors is sponsoring a workshop dealing with tenure and promotion issues. “Achieving Tenure and Promotion Policies and Procedures at UIUC” will be 2:30-4 p.m. April 14 at 314 B Illini Union.
A panel of experts will make short presentations, lead the discussion and answer questions from the audience. This program is of particular interest to new and continuing tenure-track assistant professors and to associate professors seeking promotion, and those who serve as mentors to these individuals.
The panelists (and some of the topics they will address) will be:
- Edward Feser, the interim vice chancellor for academic affairs and provost
- Abbas Benmamoun, vice provost (campus policies, three-year review procedures, tenure rollbacks)
- James A. Imlay, a professor of microbiology, past chair of the Campus Promotion and Tenure Committee (Urbana Promotion and Tenure Committee procedures)
- Craig M. Koslofsky, a professor of history, past chair and current member of the Urbana Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC, appeal procedures)
- John E. Prussing, a professor emeritus of aerospace engineering, Urbana AAUP chapter past president (AAUP position and support provided by national and campus AAUP)
No prior registration is required. All faculty members are welcome. Refreshments will be served.
For questions about the workshop, contact, Harry H. Hilton, 217-333-2653 or, or H.F. Williamson,