J.P. Allain, a professor of nuclear, plasma and radiological engineering, was awarded a $1.1 million Fusion Energy Sciences grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to support his team’s research on adaptive materials capable of sustaining the far-from-equilibrium conditions found in thermonuclear reactors.
Yuhang Hu, a professor of mechanical science and engineering, was recently awarded a Haythornthwaite Foundation Research Initiation Grant from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. This award targets university faculty engaged in research in theoretical and applied mechanics who are at the beginning of their academic careers. Hu’s current research includes the mechanics of soft materials, mechanics of bio-inspired materials and structures, and mechanics of biomaterials.
Mariana Kersh, a professor of mechanical science and engineering, has been awarded a three-year grant from Zimmer Biomet, an international medical device manufacturer, to conduct research on the assessment of knee bone and cartilage after subchondroplasty procedures.
John Lambros, a professor of aerospace engineering, has been elected as an American Academy of Mechanics Fellow, recognizing his outstanding contributions to and leadership in the field of experimental mechanics.
Paris Smaragdis, a professor of computer science and of electrical and computer engineering, received a National Science Foundation CAREER award to pursue research in computation and sound, specifically in scaling source separation to big audio data. Smaragdis is an expert in working with machine learning techniques and signal processing as it applies to audio data.