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  • New relationship project strengthens couples’, individual partners’ well-being

    Professor Allen Barton leaning on a metal railing

    Couples who participated in a relationship improvement program called Illinois Strong Couples found that the skills they developed enhanced their connections with their partners and benefitted their individual mental health as well. Allen W. Barton, a professor of human development and family studies and an Extension specialist at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, led a study on the project and is currently rolling the program out to Extension systems in other states.

    Photo by Fred Zwicky


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  • Editor’s Note: To reach Allen W. Barton, call 217-244-2009; email

    The paper “The Illinois Strong Couples project: A proof of concept for sustainable, effective couples' programming” is available online or from the News Bureau.

    DOI: 10.1111/fare.13059