Notable faculty members and alumni and their achievements are being commemorated with a series of orange and blue banners that will be displayed along Green, Sixth and John streets later this spring and summer. The 20 honorees, who were selected by Provost Linda Katehi based upon nominations from each of the colleges, include current, retired and deceased faculty members as well as living and deceased alumni.
The banners celebrate the diversity of scholarship and achievement that is Illinois and are part of the campus branding and identity initiative.
Todd Hearn, supervisor of graphic design in Facilities and Services Division, designed the banners, which are being produced by Dean’s Superior Blueprint Inc., of Champaign.
The first set of 10 banners will be erected before commencement and will be displayed for two or three months before being replaced by the remaining banners. Those being honored:
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
College of Applied Health Sciences
Institute of Aviation
College of Business
College of Media
College of Education
Mildred Griggs, professor emerita, dean of the college from 1995-2000, expert on workplace literacy and diversity
College of Engineering
John Bardeen (deceased), two-time Nobel Prize-winning physicist (1956 and 1972) and faculty member
Jack Kilby, alumnus, Nobel laureate in physics (2000) for invention/development of integrated circuit
Nick Holonyak, faculty member, developer of the quantum-well laser
Rosalyn Yalow, alumnus, shared 1977 Nobel Prize for medicine and physiology for the discovery/development of radioimmunoassay (second woman to win Nobel in medicine)
College of Fine and Applied Arts
International Programs and Studies
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations
College of Law
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Philip Sharp, shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology for the discovery of split genes
Richard Powers, Swanlund professor of English, winner of the 2006 National Book Award for fiction
Carl Woese, the Stanley O. Ikenberry chair, microbiology; winner of the Crafoord Prize and discoverer of the archaea (third form of life)
School of Social Work
College of Veterinary Medicine