agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences
Stephen P. Long, Robert Emerson Professor in Plant Biology and Crop Sciences, was awarded a honorary doctor of science degree from Lancaster University, one of the UK’s top 20 universities. Long’s research focuses on the direct effects of atmospheric change on vegetation and ecosystems. He has served on committees for research on global climate change for the European Union Cooperation in Science and Technology initiatives, the United Nations Environment Program, the UK Natural Environment Research Council and the U.S. Department of Energy.
Liora Bresler, professor of curriculum and instruction, was awarded the Edwin Ziegfeld Award for distinguished international leadership in art education by the United States Society for Education Through Art. Bresler also was awarded the Lin Wright Special Recognition Award by the American Alliance for Theatre and Education in August.
liberal arts and sciences
Adrian Burgos, professor of history, was awarded the first Latino/a Book Award by the selection committee of the Latin American Studies Association for his book, “Playing America’s Game: Baseball, Latinos and the Color Line.”
O. Vernon Burton, professor of history, was awarded the Heartland Prize for Non-fiction for his book, “The Age of Lincoln.” The prize, given by the Chicago Tribune, will be awarded Nov. 4 during the Chicago Humanities Festival.
Lura Joseph, professor of library administration, received the Geoscience Information Society’s Best Paper Award for her article, “Image and Figure Quality: A Study of Elsevier’s Earth and Planetary Sciences Electronic Journal Back File Package” published in Library Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services, Vol. 30, No. 3-4 (September-December 2006). Her award will be presented at the society’s annual awards luncheon Oct. 30.