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  • Board members hear public comments, then meet with legislators

    The U. of I. Board of Trustees meeting was shorter than usual so that top administrators, alumni and U. of I. supporters could gather in Springfield for the annual Day at the Capitol, sponsored by the U. of I. Alumni Association. Chancellor Phyllis M. Wise, left, and Kappy Laing, the executive director of governmental relations in the Office of Governmental Relations, participated in the activities, which included efforts to hold state funding equal to the current fiscal year.

    Important issues
    The U. of I. Board of Trustees meeting was shorter than usual so that top administrators, alumni and U. of I. supporters could gather in Springfield for the annual Day at the Capitol, sponsored by the U. of I. Alumni Association. Chancellor Phyllis M. Wise, left, and Kappy Laing, the executive director of governmental relations in the Office of Governmental Relations, participated in the activities, which included efforts to hold state funding equal to the current fiscal year. 

    Photo by Darrell Hoemann


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