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  • On the Job: Julie Pioletti

    Julie Pioletti, a 30-year university employee who has managed the men's basketball team office for nine years, is more likely to lead a fast bake than a fast break. In addition to regular office duties, she goes out of her way to be the team mom - baking goodies for players on their birthdays and supplying a hug when needed. She said she's been most amazed at the numerous details it takes just to play a basketball game.  Click photo to enlarge

    A soft touch
    Julie Pioletti, a 30-year university employee who has managed the men's basketball team office for nine years, is more likely to lead a fast bake than a fast break. In addition to regular office duties, she goes out of her way to be the team mom - baking goodies for players on their birthdays and supplying a hug when needed. She said she's been most amazed at the numerous details it takes just to play a basketball game. 

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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