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  • On the Job: Anne Stites

    Anne Stites, an administrative assistant in academic programs in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, has plenty of delineated duties - but "putting out fires" is a big a part of her daily work. Outside of a few years away to raise her children, Stites has worked at the U. of I. since 1979, when she was hired as an office support associate at McKinley Health Center.  Click photo to enlarge

    Fighting fires
    Anne Stites, an administrative assistant in academic programs in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, has plenty of delineated duties - but "putting out fires" is a big a part of her daily work. Outside of a few years away to raise her children, Stites has worked at the U. of I. since 1979, when she was hired as an office support associate at McKinley Health Center. 

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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