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  • MOOCs lead professors to rethink online 'classroom' strategy

    Circuit training Computer science professor Rob Rutenbar's computer chip design course, held in a traditional classroom setting, is usually taken by 20 to 50 students at a time. After it was converted to a massive open online course and offered through Coursera, more than 17,000 registered for it. "It has given students a chance to interact with their designs in a pretty sophisticated way - in a way they don't in a traditional classroom," he said.  Click photo to enlarge

    Circuit training

    Computer science professor Rob Rutenbar's computer chip design course, held in a traditional classroom setting, is usually taken by 20 to 50 students at a time. After it was converted to a massive open online course and offered through Coursera, more than 17,000 registered for it. "It has given students a chance to interact with their designs in a pretty sophisticated way - in a way they don't in a traditional classroom," he said. Click photo to enlarge

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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