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  • Nonagenarian researcher petitions FDA to ban trans fats

    Fred Kummerow, a 94-year-old University of Illinois veterinary biosciences professor emeritus who still conducts research on the health effects of trans fats in the diet, filed a petition with the FDA last month to ban trans fats.

    Fred Kummerow, a 94-year-old University of Illinois veterinary biosciences professor emeritus who still conducts research on the health effects of trans fats in the diet, filed a petition with the FDA last month to ban trans fats.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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  • Editor's note: To contact Fred Kummerow, call 217-333-1806 (a.m.) or 217-344-6380 (after noon).

    To view and comment on the petition, visit Under “Enter Keyword or ID,” type the petition docket number: “2009-P-0382” and click on the “Search” button. (Note: You may have to do this two or three times to get a result.) Once you get the results, scroll down the right-hand column and click on “Submit a Comment.” Enter your information on the left and write your comment in the box on the right.

    The full petition is also available at online.