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  • U. of I. team is top U.S. finisher in Solar Decathlon competition

    The moon shines over the Gable House, the University of Illinois team's entry in the 2009 Solar Decathlon, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. The Illinois team won second-place honors in the competition.

    The moon shines over the Gable House, the University of Illinois team's entry in the 2009 Solar Decathlon, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. The Illinois team won second-place honors in the competition.

    Photo by Charlie Simokaitis Charlie Simokaitis Photography


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  • Editor's note: To contact Weightman, call 217-778-3752, e-mail To contact Taylor, call 778-818-2951; To contact Chapman, call 217-333-4694,