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  • Anthropologist: 'Body Worlds' visitors confront bodies but not death

    Anatomical studies from the Renaissance, like this etching by a 16th century anatomist who went by the name Andreas Vesalius, are used throughout the Body Worlds exhibits and in promotional materials to potential donors to connect the display of human bodies to the age-old study of anatomy.

    Anatomical studies from the Renaissance, like this etching by a 16th century anatomist who went by the name Andreas Vesalius, are used throughout the Body Worlds exhibits and in promotional materials to potential donors to connect the display of human bodies to the age-old study of anatomy.

    Plate 2 from "De Humanis Corporis Frabrica" ("On the Fabric of the Human Body"), Andreas Vesalius, 1543


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  • Editor's note: To contact Jane Desmond, call the anthropology department: 217-333-3616; The paper, “Postmortem Exhibitions: Taxidermied Animals and Plastinated
    Corpses in the Theaters of the Dead,” is available online.