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  • Study: Happiness improves health and lengthens life

    In a review of dozens of human and animal studies, Illinois professor emeritus of psychology Ed Diener, who is also a senior scientist for the Gallup Organization, found that "the overwhelming majority of studies support the conclusion that happiness is associated with health and longevity."

    In a review of dozens of human and animal studies, Illinois professor emeritus of psychology Ed Diener, who is also a senior scientist for the Gallup Organization, found that "the overwhelming majority of studies support the conclusion that happiness is associated with health and longevity."

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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  • Editor's note: To contact To contact Ed Diener, e-mail: The paper, “Happy People Live Longer: Subjective Well-Being Contributes to Health and Longevity,” is available online or from the News Bureau.