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  • Of lice and men (and chimps): Study tracks pace of molecular evolution

    A new study led by Kevin Johnson of the Illinois Natural History Survey (seated, at left), with, left to right, entomology professor Barry Pittendrigh, animal biology professor Ken Paige and postdoctoral researcher Julie Allen, indicates lice are evolving faster than their human and chimpanzee hosts.

    A new study led by Kevin Johnson of the Illinois Natural History Survey (seated, at left), with, left to right, entomology professor Barry Pittendrigh, animal biology professor Ken Paige and postdoctoral researcher Julie Allen, indicates lice are evolving faster than their human and chimpanzee hosts.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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  • To reach Kevin Johnson, call 217-244-9267; email

    The paper, “Rates of Genomic Divergence in Humans, Chimpanzees and Their Lice,” is available from the U. of I. News Bureau.