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  • Most U.S. infant death rates not likely to fall enough to meet goal

    Infant mortality rates for black women are unlikely to decline sharply enough to achieve the federal government's targeted rate in 2020, according to a new study by alumnus Shondra Loggins, right, and Flavia Cristina Drumond Andrade, a professor of kinesiology and community health.

    Infant mortality rates for black women are unlikely to decline sharply enough to achieve the federal government's targeted rate in 2020, according to a new study by alumnus Shondra Loggins, right, and Flavia Cristina Drumond Andrade, a professor of kinesiology and community health.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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  • To contact Shondra Loggins, email To contact Flavia Cristina Drumond Andrade, email