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  • Not all baseball stars treated equally in TV steroid coverage, says study of network news

    Three stars from baseball's steroid era, all with Hall of Fame-worthy numbers, got very different treatment over 12 years of national TV news coverage, according to a study by Brian Quick, a professor of communication and in the College of Medicine.

    Three stars from baseball's steroid era, all with Hall of Fame-worthy numbers, got very different treatment over 12 years of national TV news coverage, according to a study by Brian Quick, a professor of communication and in the College of Medicine.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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  • To reach Brian Quick, call 217-333-3617; email

    The paper, “A Two-Study Investigation into How Television News Frames the Steroid Scandal in Major League Baseball and Fans’ Support for Bonds, McGwire, and Palmeiro’s Pending Induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame” is available online from the journal Communication Research. The paper also will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal.