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  • The original time capsule was replaced into the rebuilt gateway's wall Jan. 28.  Click photo to enlarge

    100-year-old time capsule found in Lincoln Hall gateway

    The unearthing of a 100-year-old box in the wall of the Lincoln Hall gateway last month is thrilling to Melvyn Skvarla, a Facilities and Services planner and the university's campus historic preservation officer.

  • 132nd commencement May 18 features Pulitzer Prize-winning speaker

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The 132nd commencement of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will be held in two ceremonies May 18 at the Assembly Hall, 1800 S. First St., Champaign.

  • $151.5 million in private gifts support UI programs

    $151.5 million in private gifts support UI programs Gifts to the UI and the UI Foundation for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2005, totaled $151.5 million, according to Stephen K. Rugg, UI chief financial officer and treasurer of the UI Foundation. Of the $151.5 million received, $36.9 million was given to the UI directly and $114.6 million was contributed through the foundation. Rugg announced the private gift figures during the business session of the foundation's 70th annual meeting, held Sept. 23. The foundation is the private gift procurement arm of the UI. Of the $151.5 million in private support received last fiscal year, $55.4 million, or 36 percent, came from alumni and friends, $45.1 million (30 percent) was from corporations, $36.1 million (24 percent) was from foundations and $14.9 million (10 percent) was from associations. Private gifts support a number of programs across the campuses at Chicago, Springfield, and Urbana-Champaign. Last fiscal year, $30.4 million of the $151.5 million raised was added to the endowment. Student financial aid in the form of scholarships, fellowships and student loans received $4.9 million in contributions. Donors to the UI provided $22 million to academic divisions, $41.3 million for research, $10 million for buildings and equipment, $12.6 million for public service and extension, and $3 million for faculty and staff compensation. Gifts to UI athletics at all three campuses increased by $1.5 million over the preceding year totaling $7.1 million. Of the $151.5 million received last year, 77 percent or $116.1 million was designated by donors for current use. Those funds provided support to a number of programs across all of the university's campuses. Twenty percent or $30.4 million was invested in endowed funds, which are held in pooled investment accounts under the policy supervision of the Investment Policy Committee of the Foundation Board and the Finance and Audit Committee of the UI Board of Trustees. Earnings from endowed funds help support an array of university endeavors, including student financial aid, faculty and programs. Such investments also provide specified annuity and life-income funds for many donors. The UI's combined active and deferred endowment stood at $1.656 billion as of June 30, 2005. The active endowment, which represents 69 percent of the university's endowment picture, grew to $1.148 billion by the end of last June. Also included in the UI's total endowment is $374.3 million designated as revocable deferred gifts. Another $133.1 million of the endowment is in charitable trusts and other irrevocable gifts held by the UI Foundation and others. The foundation's endowment goal is to provide a distribution to the university each year to meet its spending needs coupled with a desire to protect the purchasing power of the endowment against inflation. Over the past 10 years, the investment return allowed the Foundation not only to meet the spending and inflation objectives, but also permitted a net real return to the endowment of 1.6 percent. Growth of the endowment during the past decade, Rugg said, has enhanced many important academic efforts at the UI. For instance, the library's endowment has risen from $10.3 million in 1995 to $29.6 million as of June 30 this year. Endowment for professorships has increased from $26.2 million to over $74.9 million. Graduate fellowships have climbed from $29.1 to $79 million. Endowed chairs have soared from $35.4 million ten years ago to $120.8 million by the end of FY 05. And undergraduate scholarships and student aid endowment jumped from $41.7 million to $154.9 million over the past 10 years. "Total market returns," Rugg said, "combined with new-gift development have produced a total endowment today that is nearly three times what it was 10 years ago, rising from $589.9 million to $1.656 billion. That translates to total endowment growth of 11 percent annually over the past decade."

  • Lenny Pitt

    2004 Distinguished Teacher/Scholars share talent for teaching

    Paul Kelter, a professor of chemistry and director of general chemistry, and Lenny Pitt, a professor of computer science, have been named Distinguished Teacher/Scholars.

  • 2005 was warm, dry year

    2005 was warm, dry year

  • Professors Walt Hurley, left, and Prasanta Kalita will help educators explore the benefits of inquiry-based and community-based learning and how teachers can incorporate these activities in their curricula. The seminar series, “Undergraduates Engaging in Inquiry,” meets from 3-5 p.m. Wednesdays in Room 428 Armory. The series runs through Nov. 28 and is open to anyone in the campus community interested in these topics.

    2007-08 Distinguished Teacher/Scholars

    The Distinguished Teacher/Scholar program recognizes outstanding faculty members who actively enhance teaching and learning on campus and supports innovative projects that recipients develop as part of the selection process. Award recipients serve as consultants and mentors to other faculty members and departments seeking to explore new instructional methods and revitalize their teaching programs.

  • 2008 Distinguished Teacher/Scholars announced

    The Teaching Advancement Board recently selected Annie Abbott, a professor and director of the Spanish & Illinois program in the School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, and Rajeshwari Pandharipande, a professor of linquistics, of Sanskrit and of comparative literature, as its Distinguished Teacher/Scholars for the 2008-2009 academic year.

  • 2015-16 committee rosters available

    The annual summary of committee members on the Urbana-Champaign campus can be viewed online. In an effort to provide the most accurate information, Inside Illinois has compiled a list of URLs for units that appoint committees.

  • 252 faculty members, academic professionals retire

    Between Aug. 16, 2011, and Aug. 15, 2012, 252 faculty members and academic professionals retired from the UI, according to the Office of Academic Human Resources. Those who retired during that time were honored last spring at the campus's Academic Service Recognition Luncheon. Also honored were employees celebrating an employment milestone (10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years) during that time.

  • 32nd Marching Band Festival set for Oct. 19

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Fifty-six high school bands from across Illinois will compete in the 32nd annual Illini Marching Band Festival on Saturday (Oct. 19) at the University of Illinois.

  • 33 proposals funded through equipment-purchase program

    Thanks to a one-time program sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, campus researchers will be able to use the latest in microscopes, wind tunnels, mass spectrometers, electron beams, surgical robots and a number of additional systems and tools that enable research and discovery.

  • 79th annual Illinois Fire College begins training Thursday

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - More than 1,000 Illinois firefighters and emergency personnel will be in Champaign-Urbana this week for the 79th annual Illinois Fire College, hosted by the University of Illinois Fire Service Institute.

  • 90-day health insurance contracts to be announced

    Note: With the everchanging benefits landscape, this article was out-of-date before the print issue of Inside Illinois was delivered. We encourage you to visit NESSIE for a full summary of the current health care choices and the status of Benefit Choice.

  • Abbott Laboratories buys UI-licensed virtual biotechnology company

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign today announced the sale of a UI-licensed virtual biotechnology company to Abbott Laboratories for $7 million. The company, BioDisplay Technologies Inc., was founded to commercialize technology that dramatically shortens the time it takes to discover various drugs that can be tested for their potential therapeutic application.

  • Academic freedom resolution passes despite quorum call

    Champaign Senate at its Feb. 16 meeting, though the rest of the senate's business was tabled after senators discovered they were three senators short of a quorum.

  • Academic Leadership Program: Five named CIC fellows

    Five U. of I. faculty members have been named 2013-14 fellows of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation's Academic Leadership Program.

  • Academic professionals find support in classification dispute

    Champaign Senate passed a resolution at its Oct. 20 meeting that offers support for campus academic professionals and states that SUCSS has exceeded its

  • Academic professionals honored for excellence

    Champaign attended by 80 students and researchers from around the world.

  • Academic retirees

    Faculty members and academic professionals retire Between Sept. 1, 2001, and Aug. 31, 2002, 138 faculty members and academic professionals retired from the UI, according to the Office of Academic Human Resources. The retirees, their positions,units and years of service: Academic Policy Analysis Larry R. Askew, associate director, 29. Accountancy Andrew D. Bailey Jr., Ernst & Young Distinguished Professor, 8. Eugene Willis, Arthur Andersen Alumni Professor, 27. Administrative Information Technology Services Terry G. Moore, management systems coordinator, 33. Admissions and Records Christine M. Tarant, assistant director, 31. Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Lee H. Sentman, professor, 37. Wayne C. Solomon, professor, 14. Agricultural and Consumer Economics Lyle P. Fettig, professor, 40. Nancy I. Moser, research programmer, 23. Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences administration George P. Hendricks, associate director for operations, 12. Donald A. Holt, professor and senior associate dean, 20. John W. Santas, assistant dean for academic programs, 24. Agricultural Engineering Paul W. Benson, lecturer and executive director of Illinois Electric Council, 24. Animal Biology Daryl C. Sweeney, associate professor of animal biology and of physiology, 37. Animal Sciences Daniel Grunloh, research specialist in life sciences, 30. Anthropology Steven J. Holland, graphic technician specialist, 28. Architecture R.A. Forrester, professor and assistant director, Versailles Program, 21. Art and Design Roger F. Blakley, professor of art, 31. Julius E. Rascheff, associate professor of art, 31. Assembly Hall Jimmie L. Abel, associate director for operations, 13. Astronomy John R. Dickel, professor and Campus Honors Faculty, 38. Biochemistry Robert L. Switzer, professor, 34. Chemistry Susan E. Bekiares, associate professor of library administration, assistant to the head, and coordinator of research programming, 35. William H. Pirkle, professor, 38. Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services Edward M. Krol, assistant director, 29. Joan Mills, research programmer, 38. Ronald D. Szoke, research programmer, 23. Civil and Environmental Engineering Edward J. Cording, professor, 35. G. Fernandez-Delgado, research engineer, 31. David Pecknold, professor, 32. Computer Science Saburo Muroga, professor, 38. Paul E. Saylor, professor, 35. Counseling Center James F. Sipich, clinical counselor supervisor, 37. Crop Sciences Harold E. Kauffman, professor and interim assistant dean, International Activities, 21. Glenn A. Raines, agronomist, 25. Curriculum and Instruction Kenneth J. Travers, professor, 39. Economics H.F. Williamson, associate professor and associate dean, 38. Educational Organization and Leadership Paul W. Thurston, professor and director of Office of Professional Development, 28. Engineering Administration Michael H. Pleck, professor and visiting assistant dean, 38. David L. Powell, director, Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering, 21. Laurie A. Talkington, director of development, 16. English Mark P. Costello, professor, 35. James R. Hurt, professor, 36. W.D. Kay, professor, 37. English as an International Language Mary S. Temperley, assistant professor, 20. Environmental Council Richard F. Sparks, visiting professor, 4. Family Medicine Deborah C. Rugg, teaching associate, 7. Finance James A. Gentry, professor, 36. Fire Service Institute Gifford T. Smith, assistant fire services education specialist and program director, 10. James B. Straseske, fire services education specialist and associate director for administration and research, 29. General Engineering Edward N. Kuznetsov, professor, 22. History John H. Pruett, associate professor, 29. Human and Community Development Dale S. Montanelli, associate professor, 27. Illini Union Yukiko Llewellyn, assistant dean of students, 30. Government and Public Affairs, Institute of Brenda K. Eheart, adjunct associate professor, research specialist in behavioral sciences and in social policy, 23. Deborah A. Kasak, senior specialist in education, 8. Institute of Aviation Tom W. Emanuel, assistant director for academic affairs, 33. William D. Geibel, professional aviation education specialist, 29. Roger W. Marsh, research engineer, 31. Internal Medicine Ralph A. Nelson, head and professor, 23. Danny L. Scott, clinical instructor, 11. Labor and Industrial Relations Ronald J. Peters, professor, 26. Alice R. Vernon, director of development and alumni relations, 30. Law John E. Nowak, professor, 30. Ronald D. Rotunda, Jenner professor, 28 Liberal Arts and Sciences administration Dianne Andrews, assistant professor, and coordinator of foreign language teaching education, 14. Robert M. Copeland, associate dean, 28. Emily M. Peck, associate dean and assistant professor, 29. Materials Research Lab Virginia C. Metze, senior research programmer, 37. Materials Science and Engineering Carl J. Altstetter, professor of physical metallurgy, assistant dean and director of international programs, 44. Li Chang, research engineer, 14. Pengdi Han, senior research engineer, 14. Mathematics I.D. Berg, professor, 38. Carol Castellon, teaching associate, 15. Harold G. Diamond, professor, 35. Robert P. Kaufman, professor, 37. Leon R. McCulloh, professor, 41. Philippe M. Tondeur, professor and director, Division of Mathematical Science, 34. Medical Information Science Allan H. Levy, professor, 27. Molecular and Integrative Physiology Abetta L. Helman, research specialist in life sciences, 27. Norma C. Ramirez, research specialist in life sciences, 24. Victor D. Ramirez, professor of physiology and Beckman Institute affiliate, 28. Music Sam Reese, associate professor, 6. Thomas Wirtel, assistant professor, 7. John C. Wustman, Center for Advanced Study Professor, 34. Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Michael F. Bolin, Extension specialist, 29. Anita A. Povich, associate publications editor, 19. Jun Wu, research specialist in agriculture, 8. Office of Business and Financial Services Katharine J. Kral, assistant vice president, 12. William D. Morgan, associate director, grants and contracts administration, 27. James M. Skinner, purchasing officer III, Purchasing, 26. Peter J. Czajkowski, associate vice president for financial planning, 34.

  • Academic Senate discusses Coursera agreement process

    Senators received assurances at the Sept. 10 Urbana Academic Senate meeting that the precepts of shared governance were followed prior to university officials signing an agreement this summer with Coursera, an online educational platform provider.

  • Academic Senate: Positive progress reported on enrollment management

    Senate leaders reported to Urbana senators at their Feb. 27 meeting that positive progress had been made on the issue of enrollment management following a meeting of the University Senates Conference held last week.

  • Academic-year crime statistics released

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. Criminal sexual assaults, robberies and home invasions on the University of Illinois campus decreased substantially from Sept. 1, 2001, to May 31, 2002, according to statistics released this month by the universitys Division of Public Safety. However, crime in six other reporting categories increased during that period.

  • Access more than 3 million grants with online directory

    The competition for academic funding has never been greater, and now there's a new way to help match campus faculty members with available foundation grant money and a host of grant-related services.

  • Accountability sought for campus energy use

  • ACES Open House offers educational, entertaining, hands-on activities March 8, 9

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. Come to the Open House and send a plant to jail.

  • Across-the-board tuition increases needed, trustees told

    Across-the-board tuition increases are needed during the coming fiscal year for the University of Illinois to meet more than $47 million in new expenses, according to a report presented to the board of trustees last week.

  • Acting Chancellor Barbara Wilson said she will accept nominations from every corner of campus in her search to fill the crucial position of vice chancellor for academic affairs and provost.

    Acting Chancellor Wilson taking provost candidate suggestions

    Acting Chancellor Barbara Wilson said she will accept nominations from every corner of campus in her search to fill the crucial position of vice chancellor for academic affairs and provost.

  • Activism to be focus of talk in Asian American Awareness Month event

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Minya Oh, "Miss Info" of the New York radio station known as Hot 97, will serve as the keynote speaker during an open house Wednesday (March 1) from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Asian American Cultural Center, 1210 W. Nevada St., Urbana. Her talk, focusing on activism in the Asian American and hip hop community, will begin Asian American Awareness Month at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This year's theme is "Building on Our Achievements."

  • Activist/actor Mike Farrell to speak on human rights Sept. 9

    Champaign, call Robin Kaler, assistant chancellor for public affairs, (217) 333-5010

  • A cup of coffee and a slice of science

    Abigail Salyers, a professor of microbiology, spoke about the relationship between humans and the microbial world recently

  • Addiction expert to speak at April 27 workshop

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. People who have dealt with addiction, or the family disorder that often surrounds it, may find assistance in a workshop April 27 in Urbana.

  • Ad hoc committees mark start of active semester

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  • ADM funds new postharvest institute

    Archer Daniels Midland Co. announced a $10 million grant to establish the ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss at the UI. The global institute will work with farmers in the developing world to help preserve millions of metric tons of grains and oilseeds lost each year to pests, disease, mishandling and other factors.

  • Admissions reform under way in wake of commission review

    The UI has put an end to the "Category I" admissions tracking system and is implementing new admissions related processes that are intended to make the UI's embattled admissions system "a model for the nation."

  • Adults and students reap benefits of long-term relationship

    In the perilous world of adolescents, standing head and shoulders above the rest can feel more like a gypsy curse than the result of genetics.

  • Advocating for the University of Illinois

    When times are tough, who will speak up for the University of Illinois?

  • African and international art scholar to speak Thursday

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A poet, critic and scholar of international and African contemporary art will deliver a lecture Thursday (April 17) as part of the "Exploring the Human Experience: Beyond Differences?" initiative at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

  • AFSCME, UI agree on new contract

    AFSCME, UI agree on new contract

  • After initial success, senate OKs more winter sessions

    A proposal to offer winter session to students for two more years received the unanimous backing of senators May 4 at the last Urbana-Champaign Senate meeting of the 2014-15 academic year.

  • After-school program teaches plant biology

    The American Society of Plant Biologists' Education Foundation will provide nearly $20,000 in funding for a new after-school program on plant biology at Urbana Middle School. With the support of faculty members from several departments, plant biology graduate students will develop the program, called Plants iView, which will have a strong online component.

  • 'After Whiteness: Race and the Visual Arts' symposium set for Oct. 11

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Artist Suk Ja Kang Engles initially began to ponder issues of race and identity as a teenager growing up in a small town in Korea.

  • For more than 21 years of Tim Wood's 30-year career as a pipe fitter/steamfitter at the UI, he installed and maintained systems in buildings on the north campus, such as Beckman Institute, shown in the background. The wide array of projects, especially faculty members' research projects, and buildings that he worked on kept his job challenging, Wood said. Since retiring on Aug. 30, Wood has been busy working on his own home and helping his father and brother with the harvest on the family farm near Sadorus.

    After working in every building on campus, retiree doing projects at home

    When asked what kept him at the UI for 30 years, Tim Wood said it was because it was an interesting place to work. As a pipe fitter/steamfitter in Facilities and Services, Wood said his job “(took) me everywhere from the pig farm through working on the president’s house.  If you can imagine the maintenance on your own home, multiply that by a million. That’s what it takes to maintain this place.”

  • Aggravated assaults and batteries rose on U. of I. campus

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Aggravated assaults and batteries increased by more than 34 percent in the University of Illinois reporting district during the Sept. 1, 2004 - May 15, 2005, reporting period, according to statistics released this week by the U. of I. Division of Public Safety.

  • Aggravated assaults, batteries down; robberies up, U. of I. crime data show

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Aggravated assaults and batteries in the University of Illinois reporting district declined during the 2005-2006 academic year to the lowest number since the 1999-2000 academic year, according to the annual crime report released by the Division of Public Safety.

  • Aggravated assaults, batteries up sharply at end of 2004 in U. of I. district

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Aggravated assaults and batteries were up significantly in the University of Illinois reporting district during the Sept. 1, 2004 - Dec. 31, 2004, reporting period, according to statistics released this week by the University of Illinois Division of Public Safety.

  • Aggravated assaults declined on U. of I. campus, latest report shows

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The number of aggravated assaults and criminal sexual assaults decreased in the University of Illinois reporting district during the reporting period from Sept. 1, 2005 to May 14, 2006. The number of robberies and other sex offenses (peeping Toms and public indecency) increased during that time, according to statistics released by the University of Illinois Division of Public Safety.

  • Aggravated assaults increased in U. of I. reporting district, statistics show

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Aggravated assaults and batteries increased by about 28 percent in the University of Illinois reporting district during the Sept. 1, 2004 to Aug. 31, 2005, reporting period, according to statistics released this week by the University of Illinois Division of Public Safety.

  • A good book

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  • Ag Open House to give visitors hands-on contact with DNA

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Want to get your hands on a strand of real DNA? Visitors can pretend to be a molecular scientist March 3-4 at one of several exhibits that reflect the "Beyond 2000" theme of this year's College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) Open House at the University of Illinois.

  • Agreement establishes PTI as training and research institute

    The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board announced July 9 it has entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the UI to continue operating the Police Training Institute. The organizations have worked together since 1967 when the board first certified PTI as one of its law enforcement basic training academies. The new and expanded arrangement establishes PTI as a training and research institute, with the board and the university jointly guiding academic research on numerous law enforcement and criminal justice topics.