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  • Study: Good nutrition boosts honey bee resilience against pesticides, viruses

    Researchers stand in a field of goldenrod and are holding a section of honeycomb that is covered with honey bees.

    Illinois entomology professor Adam Dolezal, right, and graduate student Edward Hsieh found that pollen from natural sources enhances honey bee resilience when the bees are exposed to agricultural chemicals and infected with Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus.

    Photo by Michelle Hassel


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  • Editor’s notes:  

    To reach Adam Dolezal, email

    To reach Edward Hsieh, email

    The paper “Nutrition, pesticide exposure and virus infection interact to produce context-dependent effects in honey bees (Apis mellifera)” is available online

    DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.175125