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  • Coping skills program for disaster survivors tested with children living in chronic poverty

    In a recent study, social work professor Tara M. Powell found that a social-emotional skills program developed for youths who have symptoms of trauma after experiencing natural disasters showed promise at improving the coping skills of young children from rural families affected by chronic poverty.

    In a recent study, social work professor Tara M. Powell found that a social-emotional skills program developed for youths who have symptoms of trauma after experiencing natural disasters showed promise at improving the coping skills of young children from rural families affected by chronic poverty.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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  • Editor’s Note: To reach Tara M. Powell, call 217-300-0917; email

    The paper “Addressing the social emotional needs of children in chronic poverty: A pilot of the Journey of Hope” is available online or from the News Bureau.