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  • Geography professor awarded Guggenheim Fellowship

    University of Illinois geography professor Jesse Ribot has received a 2018 Guggenheim Fellowship. Ribot studies the politics of resource access, subnational democracy and climate-related vulnerability. He will uses his fellowship to complete on a book about his field research in the West African Sahel region and multiple comparative studies on human rights, representation, rural food security and theoretical work on climate-related vulnerability.

    University of Illinois geography professor Jesse Ribot has received a 2018 Guggenheim Fellowship. Ribot studies the politics of resource access, subnational democracy and climate-related vulnerability. He will use his fellowship to complete a book about his field research in the West African Sahel region and multiple comparative studies on human rights, representation, rural food security and theoretical work on climate-related vulnerability.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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  • To reach Jesse Ribot, email