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  • Study: Street gangs, crime serve as deviant leisure activities for youths

    University of Illinois faculty members, from left, Kim Shinew, Liza Berdychevsky and Monika Stodolska are co-writing a series of papers that examine gang membership and criminal activity from the perspective of leisure science. The studies are based on interviews with former members of street gangs operating in Chicago and central Illinois.

    University of Illinois faculty members, from left, Kim Shinew, Liza Berdychevsky and Monika Stodolska are co-writing a series of papers that examine gang membership and criminal activity from the perspective of leisure science. The studies are based on interviews with former members of street gangs operating in Chicago and central Illinois.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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  • Editor’s notes: To reach Monika Stodolska, call 217-244-5644; email

    To reach Liza Berdychevsky, call 217-244-2971; email

    To reach Kim Shinew, call 217-333-5201; email

    The paper “Gangs and deviant leisure” is available from the News Bureau