Beginning Monday, May 22, two sections of Green Street between Wright Street and Goodwin Avenue will close to through traffic as construction resumes on Multimodal Corridor Enhancement (MCORE) Project 1 (see map). Significant detours for vehicular and pedestrian traffic will occur for primary campus locations.
Illini Union
The Union will remain open throughout construction; however, the building’s north circle drive and entrance will temporarily close. The east, west and south building entrances will be open. Vehicles should approach the Union from Springfield Avenue., traveling south on Mathews Avenue to Green Street (see Union map).
Mathews Avenue
Traffic flow will switch to southbound only from Springfield Avenue to Green Street.
Green Street sidewalks
Pedestrian access will be maintained on one side of the street and will vary depending upon construction activities.
Engineering Hall
Vehicular access from Mathews Avenue onto Green Street will remain throughout this phase of construction.
More information about MCORE is available online. When necessary, updates on bus reroutes and temporary stop locations will be at the Mass Transit District’s Facebook and Twitter feeds.