The Illini Union will host a celebration of its 75th anniversary on Friday, Feb. 17, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Illini Union Art Gallery and Pine Lounge, 809 S. Wright St., Champaign. Faculty members, staff, students and community members are welcome to attend.
Since it opened on Feb. 8, 1941, the Illini Union has been a resource to the entire campus community. To this day, the Illini Union staff makes it a priority to offer a home rich in the university’s historical traditions.
The celebration will offer guests a visual history of the Illini Union, refreshments and ideas for possible renovation plans. A short presentation will begin at 4:20 p.m., with speakers and the recognition of Earl Finder, 93, who will be attending the event with his family. Finder was the second director of the Illini Union from 1960-76. He started as a student employee in 1944.
You can learn more about the Illini Union’s 75 years at