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  • Pet burials blur the line between human and animal rites

    Dogs, cats, monkeys, rabbits, parrots, lions and horses are buried in Le Cimitière des Chiens (the Dogs’ Cemetery) in the Parisian suburb of Asnières.

    Dogs, cats, monkeys, rabbits, parrots, lions and horses are buried in Le Cimitière des Chiens (the Dogs’ Cemetery) in the Parisian suburb of Asnières.

    Image courtesy Jane Desmond


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  • Editor’s notes:

    Jane Desmond is a professor of anthropology and of gender and women’s studies at Illinois.
    To read more, see “Displaying Death and Animating Life: Human-Animal Relations in Art, Science, and Everyday Life” by anthropology professor Jane C. Desmond, published by The University of Chicago Press.