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  • Between wilderness, tourism and civilization

    A group of University of Illinois students spent two weeks in June in the Greater Yellowstone area, learning through on-site experience about the politics and other issues surrounding national parks. Here's the class on its first day in Grand Teton National Park.

    A group of University of Illinois students spent two weeks in June in the Greater Yellowstone area, learning through on-site experience about the politics and other issues surrounding national parks. Here's the class on its first day in Grand Teton National Park.

    Photo by Robert Pahre


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  • Editor’s note:

    Robert Pahre is a political science professor at the University of Illinois and has written extensively about the often-complex issues surrounding the national parks, focusing especially on Yellowstone. This is the sixth year he has taught his course in the Greater Yellowstone area, and the course is now also online.

    He can be reached at

    A night in grizzly country, by Robert Pahre (July 21, 2016)
    Tourists behaving badly, by Robert Pahre (July 25, 2016)