The Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities is soliciting submissions and nominations for the IPRH Prizes for Research in the Humanities for the 2015-16 academic year. These prizes recognize outstanding humanities research at the U. of I., with awards given at the undergraduate, graduate and faculty levels. The awards will be presented at a reception May 3.
The awards are open to all full-time Urbana campus students and tenured and tenure-track faculty. The application deadline is 5 p.m. March 15. Submissions must be accompanied by a completed nomination form, which can be downloaded from the website. The submissions cannot contain references to the applicant’s name or other identifying details. Submissions not following these guidelines will be disqualified from consideration.
Email the submission and the nomination form as two separate, attached PDF documents to Scans of journals or book pages are not acceptable. Submissions should be in manuscript form, double-spaced, with all identifying details removed and conform to the length limitations. For specific funding information and application guidelines for each application category, consult the website.
The applications will be read by a selection committee comprised of members of the program’s advisory committee, one or two invited members of the faculty and the program’s director and associate director – both of whom serve on the committee in an ex officio capacity. Submissions will be judged in a blind review process; names and other identifying details cannot be included in the essay itself. The essays will be evaluated on their scholarly merit, the intellectual rigor of the questions being posed and the quality of the writing.
A list of past winners can be found on the website. Questions about these awards and the nomination procedures should be addressed to Nancy Castro, the associate director for the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, at