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  • Illinois theatre season reimagines the American story

    A theatre professor and a student actor perform on stage with a table with a box and typewriter between them.

    The Illinois theatre department features a diverse group of playwrights during its 2021-22 season that takes a new look at what makes an American story.

    Acting professor Nisi Sturgis (left) and theatre student Gabrielle DeMarcho perform in “The 48,” an early-season workshop in which students cast, rehearsed and performed student-written plays in two days.

    Photo by Darrell Hoemann


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  • Editor’s notes: To contact Gabriel Solis, email More information about Illinois theatre department’s 2021-22 season is available online. Tickets will be sold online only through the Krannert Center for Performing Arts website at For questions, contact the Krannert Center ticket office at 217/333-6280 or