James Anderson, professor and head of educational policy studies, has been named a Gutsgell Professor of Education by the UI. Gutsgell professorships are awarded by the UI to recognize distinguished service and outstanding contributions by university faculty members.
Lydia Buki, professor of educational psychology, received the National Latino/a Psychological Association’s Distinguished Professional Early Career Award. This award is conferred upon a psychologist whose contributions have advanced an agenda congruent with the mission of the association.
Fouad Abd El Khalick, professor of curriculum and instruction, has been elected to the executive board of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching. The association is a worldwide organization of professionals committed to the improvement of science teaching and learning through research. The ultimate goal is to help all learners achieve science literacy.
Laurence Parker, professor of educational policies studies, has been named an editor of Review of Research in Education, a journal published by the American Education Research Association.
Robert Spitze, professor emeritus of agricultural and consumer economics, and Hazel Spitze, professor emeritus of home economics, have received the Ruby C. McSwain Outstanding Philanthropist Award from the National Agricultural Alumni and Development Association. The couple was honored for their sustained support of agriculture, agricultural higher education and land-grant universities. At the UI, they fund a student scholarship, the Land-Grant Professional Career Excellence Award; an intern scholarship; and created the Spitze Conference Room in the College of ACES Library, Information and Alumni Center.
Harry H. Hilton, professor emeritus of aeronautical engineering, has been elected a fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Fellow status is conferred on members who have made significant and valuable contributions to the arts, sciences and technology of aeronautics or astronautics. Thirty fellows were named this year. Since his retirement in 1990, he has remained active as Senior Academic Lead for Computational Structural/Solid Mechanics at the UI’s National Center for Supercomputing Applications.