agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences
Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics Earl M. and Mildred S. Hughes Teaching Enhancement Award Charles Nelson, professor Nicholas Brozovic, professor Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering J. Kent Mitchell Teaching Excellence Award Joe Harper, professor Department of Animal Sciences G.R. Carlisle Award for Excellence in Extension Teaching Daniel Jennings, Extension educator H.H. Mitchell Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Research Geoffrey Dahl, professor Department of Crop Sciences Outstanding Instructor Award by the Field and Furrow Club Frederick Kolb, professor Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition Outstanding Adviser/Mentor Keith Singletary, professor Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Fellow, American Society of Agronomy Mark David, professor
Department of Accountancy Award for Excellence in Teaching Mark Peecher, professor of accountancy W. Brooke Elliott, professor of accountancy
Department of Advertising Excellence in Teaching Award Jason Chambers, professor of advertising Department of Journalism Teacher of the Year Louis Liebovich, professor of journalism
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering J. Kent Teaching Excellence Award Joe Harper, professor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering American Society of Civil Engineers Outstanding Instructor Award Imad Al-Quadi, professor Larry Fahnestock, professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Ronald W. Pratt Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award Marie-Christine Brunet, lecturer Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering Gamma Epsilon Excellence in Teaching Award Dusan Stipanovic, professor Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering Five-year Effective Teaching Award Ty Newell, professor Two-year Effective Teaching Award Arne Pearlstein, professor Dimitrios Kyritis, professor Ty Newell, professor Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering The Students’ Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Rizwan-Uddin, professor Department of Physics Arnold Nordsieck Award for Teaching Excellence 2006 Alfred Hubler, professor
liberal arts and sciences
Department of Astronomy Outstanding Teaching Award Brian Fields, professor Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering School of Chemical Sciences Teaching Award Paul Kenis, professor Department of English Leo B. Kneer Outstanding Teaching Award Anna Ivy, instructor Iryce Baron, instructor John Marsh, lecturer Department of History People’s Choice for Best Lectures in a Survey Course Mark Leff, professor Mark Micale, professor George S. and Gladys W. Queen Prize for Faculty Graduate Teaching Carol Symes, professor Department of Political Science Award for Excellence in Graduate Education Teaching, Mentoring and Service Brian Gaines, professor Jude Hays, professor Department of Psychology GSO Instructional Award for Excellence in Teaching and Advising at the Graduate Level R. Chris Fraley, professor Mabel Kirkpatrick Hohenboken Teaching Enhancement Award Gary Dell, professor Psi Chi Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award Renee Baillargeon, Alumni Distinguished Professor
Raymond B. Allen Instructorship (Golden Apple) Award Batlagundu Lakshminarayana, professor Milton McAllister, professor Uretz Oliphant, professor
university laboratory high school
For the second year, Newsweek has named Uni High one of the nation’s 19 “public elites” as part of its ranking of the top U.S. high schools. Newsweek ranks schools based on a “Challenge Index” devised by education reporter Jay Mathews of The Washington Post. All public schools with an index of at least 1.00 made the list. They are in the top 5 percent of public schools measured this way. Because this system leaves out many of the nation’s most celebrated public schools, Newsweek last year added the category of “public elites.” university library Several titles were incorrect in the following listing in the July 5 issue of “Inside Illinois.” The corrected version: Four UI librarians were honored in May at the Lavender Graduation and LGBT Awards Ceremony sponsored by the Office for LGBT Resources. The event recognized those who promote an LGBT-friendly environment on campus. Honored with a group award: Betsy Kruger, head of circulation and professor of library administration; John Littlewood, retired government documents librarian, gay literature bibliographer and professor emeritus; Nancy Romero, retired rare book and special collections cataloger and professor emeritus; Beth Stafford, retired head librarian for the women and gender resources library and professor emeritus. The award was created especially for them to recognize their efforts in building, cataloging, promoting and disseminating the resourcesof the library’s LGBT collection.