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  • Amid changes, department still offers basic printing services

    Pre-press technician Elizabeth Bowden prepares an order at the UI's Document Services department. Barbara Childers, the department's director and Facilities and Services associate director, said the department will continue to offer most of its traditional day-to-day services - though not the higher-volume work such as letterpress printing, large offset production and some bindery functions. "By eliminating the services that we did, we now can be a more effective, one-stop provider," Childers said.

    One-stop shop
    Pre-press technician Elizabeth Bowden prepares an order at the UI's Document Services department. Barbara Childers, the department's director and Facilities and Services associate director, said the department will continue to offer most of its traditional day-to-day services - though not the higher-volume work such as letterpress printing, large offset production and some bindery functions. "By eliminating the services that we did, we now can be a more effective, one-stop provider," Childers said.

    Photo by Daryl Quitalig, photo intern


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