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  • Campus to focus on students, interdisciplinary opportunity

    Ilesanmi Adesida, the provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs, joined Chancellor Phyllis M. Wise on April 22 in unveiling a plan designed to help the university navigate the next several decades. The two leaders, whom Wise said had worked closely together in developing the plan, promised to add 500 faculty members in an effort to bring faculty totals back to around 2,000.

    Out front
    Ilesanmi Adesida, the provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs, joined Chancellor Phyllis M. Wise on April 22 in unveiling a plan designed to help the university navigate the next several decades. The two leaders, whom Wise said had worked closely together in developing the plan, promised to add 500 faculty members in an effort to bring faculty totals back to around 2,000.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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