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  • Wise report to trustees: Ensuring diversity at every level

    At the table Chancellor Phyllis M. Wise makes a point during her Dashboard Indicators presentation to the U. of I. Board of Trustees on March 7. Wise also reported to supportive trustees that the campus would soon be initiating a program to improve diversity in faculty and staff hiring and in student recruitment and retention. "We have to make this an issue that is core to what we do," she said in her report.  Click photo to enlarge

    At the table Chancellor Phyllis M. Wise makes a point during her Dashboard Indicators presentation to the U. of I. Board of Trustees on March 7. Wise also reported to supportive trustees that the campus would soon be initiating a program to improve diversity in faculty and staff hiring and in student recruitment and retention. "We have to make this an issue that is core to what we do," she said in her report. Click photo to enlarge

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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