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  • Study: Optimizing biofuel supply chain is a competitive game

    Illinois researchers - from left, Jong-Shi Pang, Yun Bai and Yanfeng Ouyang - developed models for optimizing and evaluating the biofuel feedstock supply chain, addressing layers of competition not only between the biofuel market and the food market, but also among individual farmers.

    Illinois researchers - from left, Jong-Shi Pang, Yun Bai and Yanfeng Ouyang - developed models for optimizing and evaluating the biofuel feedstock supply chain, addressing layers of competition not only between the biofuel market and the food market, but also among individual farmers.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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  • Editor's note: To contact Jong-Shi Pang, call 217-244-5703; email Yanfeng Ouyang: 217-333-9858;
    The paper, “Biofuel Supply Chain Design Under Competitive Agricultural Land Use and Feedstock Market Equilibrium,” is available online.