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  • No-till soybean fields give (even some rare) birds a foothold in Illinois

    American robins (top) and vesper sparrows (bottom) were found nesting in greater abundance in no-till than in tilled soybean fields. A rare grassland species, the upland sandpiper was found nesting in a no-till field.

    American robins (top) and vesper sparrows (bottom) were found nesting in greater abundance in no-till than in tilled soybean fields. A rare grassland species, the upland sandpiper was found nesting in a no-till field.

    Photo of nest by Kelly VanBeek; of sandpiper by Mary Kay Rubey


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  • To reach Kelly VanBeek, call 262-574-2116; email
    To reach Jeffrey Brawn, call 217-333-2770; email
    To reach Michael Ward, call 217-244-4089; email The paper, “Does No-Till Soybean Farming Provide Any Benefits for Birds?” is available online or from the U. of I. News Bureau.