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  • New drug compounds show promise against endometriosis

    An interdisciplinary research team developed a new approach to treating endometriosis. The team includes, clockwise, from back left: molecular and integrative physiology professor Milan Bagchi, chemistry professor John Katzenellenbogen, visiting research scientist Ping Gong, molecular and integrative physiology professor Benita Katzenellenbogen, postdoctoral fellow Yiru Chen, research scientist Yuechao Zhao, and comparative biosciences professor CheMyong Ko.

    An interdisciplinary research team developed a new approach to treating endometriosis. The team includes, clockwise, from back left: molecular and integrative physiology professor Milan Bagchi, chemistry professor John Katzenellenbogen, visiting research scientist Ping Gong, molecular and integrative physiology professor Benita Katzenellenbogen, postdoctoral fellow Yiru Chen, research scientist Yuechao Zhao, and comparative biosciences professor CheMyong Ko.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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  • To reach Benita Katzenellenbogen, call 217-333-9769; email
    To reach John Katzenellenbogen, call 217-333-6310; email
    The paper, “Dual Suppression of Estrogenic and Inflammatory Activities for Targeting of Endometriosis,” is available online or from the U. of I. News Bureau.