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  • Parents’ binge eating, restrictive feeding practices may be reactions to children’s emotions

    Jaclyn A. Saltzman, a doctoral researcher in human development and family studies, found in a new study that parents reactions to their preschoolers negative emotions may explain the association between parental binge eating and restrictive feeding practices. Saltzmans co-authors on the study included U. of I. faculty members Kelly K. Bost, child development; Barbara Fiese, human development and family studies and director of the Family Resiliency Center; and Janet Liechty, social work and medicine.

    Jaclyn A. Saltzman, a doctoral researcher in human development and family studies, found in a new study that parents’ reactions to their preschoolers’ negative emotions may explain the association between parental binge eating and restrictive feeding practices. Saltzman’s co-authors on the study included U. of I. faculty members Kelly K. Bost, child development; Barbara Fiese, human development and family studies and director of the Family Resiliency Center; and Janet Liechty, social work and medicine.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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  • Editor’s notes: To reach Jaclyn A. Saltzman, call 847-754-7652; email

    To reach Janet M. Liechty, email

    The study “Parent binge eating and restrictive feeding practices: Indirect effects of parent responses to child negative emotion” is available online from ScienceDirect or from the News Bureau.