CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — The University of Illinois Extension just released a 10-year strategic plan that commits to serving the state by focusing on food and agriculture as well as the economic, community, environmental and health sectors through partnerships, discovery, technology and workforce excellence. In an interview with News Bureau life sciences editor Diana Yates, Illinois Extension director Shelly Nickols-Richardson explains how one of the largest Cooperative Extension Systems in the nation tackles so many issues at once.
Why does the state need Illinois Extension?
The university’s land-grant mission is fulfilled in part through the transfer of knowledge and research-backed best practices through the work of Illinois Extension. For many people in the state, Illinois Extension may be their only touchstone with the university and so it’s critical that the 700-plus staff — who are located throughout the state — serve as ambassadors for and stewards of the university and ensure that its commitment to teaching, learning and research translation is available to all residents.
The work that our employees and nearly 5,700 volunteers engage in parlays into confident youth, future community leaders, better fed and nourished residents, innovative agricultural practices, natural resource conservation and health promotion, among many other positive impacts. We have been particularly innovative in urban food and agriculture programs, sustainability, regenerative agriculture and nutrition-assistance programs. We are also leading efforts in natural resources, energy and environmental conservation and integrated health equity.
How does Illinois Extension compare with similar offices in other states?
Currently, Illinois Extension supports over 775 employees, including faculty experts, administrators, county directors, specialists, educators, program coordinators, community outreach workers and many other essential support staff members.
Illinois Extension serves all 102 counties through a network of 27 units across three regions, along with several state-level offices. Our structure is similar to others; however, every service is unique to its state’s context and conditions. Most Illinois Extension employees live and work in communities across the state, which helps support local economies.
Like our peers in other states, we are a component of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Illinois Extension receives federal funding that must be matched by state and local appropriations. This requires partnerships and coordination with the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture; Illinois government agencies, associations and organizations; our University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus; and county boards, local organizations, businesses, volunteers and donors. Nationally, the size of each state’s Cooperative Extension System tends to reflect its population density, but other factors also play a role. Funding by state varies, but in general, Illinois Extension is next-to-last in state-supported funding for our region.
Annually, Illinois Extension receives approximately $10 million from the state, while Michigan State University Extension gets $34 million, and University of Minnesota Extension receives $32 million in state funds annually. On a per capita basis, Illinois Extension is the lowest in the national CES’s north central region, receiving less than a dollar per state resident. For comparison, Minnesota receives $5.63 per person, Iowa gets $5.64, and the per capita dollars range upward from there, with Kansas, South Dakota and North Dakota receiving $9.19, $11.84 and $20.41 per person, respectively.
The creativity and interpersonal, collaborative and technical skills of our Illinois Extension employees allow us to offer so many educational programs, services and activities to Illinois residents — despite the limited financial resources. Our outreach is extensive, reaching rural, suburban and urban communities. In 2023, Illinois Extension served more than 650 unique communities with about 555 weekly educational sessions. Over 745,000 attendees engaged in in-person and on-line programs and courses. Almost 200,000 youth participated in 4-H Youth Development experiences, including through our nearly 1,800 4-H Clubs in Illinois.
The people of Illinois also benefit from our online educational offerings. In 2023, people viewed our webpages more than 12.5 million times and our social media offerings garnered over 58 million impressions.
What role does Illinois Extension play in fulfilling the responsibilities of a land-grant university to the state?
Illinois Extension is the oldest and most well-known form of public engagement at the U. of I. As with other land-grant educational institutions, our mission is research, teaching and outreach. Our mandate is “to develop educational programs, extend knowledge and build partnerships to support people, communities and their environments as part of the state’s land-grant institution.” We do this by translating the discoveries of our campus-based scientists into educational programs and services for Illinois residents, communities and businesses.
Because our employees live and work in local areas across the state, they understand the needs of Illinois residents. Our staff rely on community members to help us define the programs and services we should offer and the research and technologies that should be investigated by our on-campus faculty. By working with local stakeholders such as farmers, business owners, community leaders, families and others, Illinois Extension translates research into practical solutions that address everyday challenges.
How does the new strategic plan help meet those mandates?
Illinois Extension’s 10-year strategic plan aligns closely with our land-grant mission by focusing on accessibility, community and public engagement as well as research-driven impact. Our strategic plan notably emphasizes expanding educational opportunities and services to underserved and under-resourced groups across Illinois. We prioritize community-driven programming that aligns with national priority areas as developed by USDA NIFA. And we will continue to innovate and apply research to current and future practical challenges.
How can one entity be engaged in so many different arenas of life?
We can achieve all this because we take a systems approach to our work. We know that our strategic priorities are interrelated and that societal issues are complex, requiring multisector and multilevel solutions grounded in research. Because our work is evidence-based, Illinois Extension has the credibility that those we serve are seeking. We are inclusive and offer our programs to any Illinois resident who is interested.
Illinois Extension also relies on partnerships to leverage its resources with others who are willing to bring their assets together with us to solve problems and offer opportunities. Collaboration is key to our ability to meet diverse needs across so many topical areas. We believe in “Lifelong Learning; Lifelong Impact,” and this includes convening groups, providing educational programming and facilitating community events, among many other actions important to fulfilling our mission.
What Extension programs are helping University of Illinois make the biggest impact in the state?
There are so many programs sponsored by Illinois Extension that have positive impact for Illinois. We reach a wide audience, from youth to adults, and cover a variety of topics in the programmatic areas of 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture and Agribusiness, Community and Economic Development, Family and Consumer Sciences, Integrated Health Disparities, and Natural Resources, Environment and Energy. While many people might be especially familiar with 4-H, Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists programs, each of our educational programs, services and activities are exceptional, and everyone is encouraged to browse our Illinois Extension website and/or contact one of our local or state offices to find programs of interest to them.