The 99th annual homecoming celebration at the UI kicks off with the iHelp volunteer project Oct. 2. Faculty and staff members can join students and alumni from around the world in giving back to the local community in the name of Alma Mater. The event is combined with UI student service day Oct. 2.
iHelp is a student day of service connected to Homecoming that annually draws more than 1,000 students to participate in organized volunteer projects in the community.
This year, for the first time, iHelp is being expanded to include UI faculty and staff members, alumni and friends.
Oct. 2-4 has been designated for the event, in which volunteers around the nation and across the globe can work alone, in groups or as part of a family project on a service activity of their choosing – from reading to school-age students to bringing cookies to local police or firefighters or helping out a neighbor.
Two iHelp activities will take place at the Alice Campbell Alumni Center that weekend – a blood drive and a food collection drop-off for the Eastern Illinois Foodbank.
Advance registration is encouraged for the blood drive, which will be from 11:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. on Oct. 2 at the Alumni Center. Sign up for a time at
Non-perishable items can be dropped off in the Alumni Center’s Lincoln Avenue circle drive from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m on Oct. 3
“The students are a real inspiration to all of us,” said Vanessa Faurie, interim vice president/acting associate chancellor of alumni relations for the Urbana campus. “So on that weekend, we want to expand on their great example of service and show the huge impact of good works the larger UI family can have on the world.”
Participants are encouraged to submit photos and videos to the Alumni Association Web site.
Other scheduled events:
Oct. 2
• “Rock the Block” party, 7-9 p.m. on Anniversary Plaza on the south side of the Illini Union, will feature a free outdoor concert, food, giveaways and appearances by UI athletes.
Oct. 6
• Paint the Quad Orange, all day, promotes wearing orange and will feature music, games and “orange-out” competitions.
Oct. 9
• Alumni Association Class of 1959 Reunion: 3:30 p.m. reception; 4:30 to 6 p.m. dinner and program, Alice Campbell Alumni Center. Cost: $65 per person (includes reunion activities and football game ticket); $30 per person (reunion activities only).
• Reconnect: Student Affairs Reunion, 4-6 p.m. Illini Union Rooms A, B and C, involves former student leaders, Student Affairs affiliates and those involved with activities such as the Illini Union Board, Volunteer Illini Projects, Student Alumni Ambassadors and student government.
• Homecoming parade and pep rally, 6-8 p.m. The parade runs from 6-7 p.m. starting at Sixth Street and Taft Drive in Champaign, traveling through Campustown and turning south on Mathews Avenue in Urbana to end at the Quad. A pep rally on the Quad follows the parade and includes fireworks.
Oct. 10
• Campus Recreation Alumni Tailgate and Open House, 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Activities and Recreation Center. Tailgate at the ARC is from 9-10:30 a.m., which will include food, drink, a group photo, tour of the facilities and free gifts.
• Illinois vs. Michigan State football game, 11 a.m., Memorial Stadium. Cost: $45. All UI band alumni are invited to perform at the game.
For a complete list of scheduled events, visit the homecoming Web site.