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  • Headshot of Kristin Hoganson

    Illinois history professor awarded NEH Fellowship

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign history professor Kristin Hoganson has been awarded a 2024 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship.

  • Proposed changes to Social Security to be topic of free, public forum at Illinois

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Changes to Social Security being proposed by President Bush will be the topic of a forum on Feb. 23 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, featuring a former Clinton administration economist, along with Illinois professors of finance, law and history.

  • Campus, cities prepare for 'Unofficial' event

    University officials and police are working with Champaign Police and Champaign officials to keep a lid on this year's Unofficial St. Patrick's Day event.

  • U-C Senate passes two resolutions to enhance employee benefits

    Two resolutions passed by the Urbana-Champaign Senate March 17 aim to enhance benefits for university employees.

  • Stukel testimony: Budget cuts put UI 'on the brink'

    The UI, facing a $130 million state budget cut over two years, is "on the brink" and has exhausted all its fiscal flexibility, says UI President James J. Stukel.

  • Governor's budget proposal includes more for higher education

    The fiscal year 2010 budget proposed by Gov. Pat Quinn on March 18 was welcome news for officials at the UI and other public universities. Quinn proposed an increase in funding for higher education next fiscal year rather than the decrease that many people were expecting because of the state's multibillion-dollar deficit.

  • Provost seeks faculty nominations for new program

    Provost seeks faculty nominations for new program

  • Senate approves call for universitywide summit

    The UI Academic Senate on March 28 called for a "wider university discussion" of institutional governance, inviting university administrators and members of the UI Board of Trustees to meet with faculty leaders in a summit.

  • Addiction expert to speak at April 27 workshop

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. People who have dealt with addiction, or the family disorder that often surrounds it, may find assistance in a workshop April 27 in Urbana.

  • Exclusive interview

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  • Senators support supplemental retirement resolution

    Senators at the April 14 Urbana Academic Senate meeting unanimously supported a resolution asking the U. of I. Board of Trustees to offer university employees a supplemental retirement program.

  • Inside Illinois plans monthly printed issues this summer

    Inside Illinois plans monthly printed issues this summer Because of the excellent response to its new advertising program, Inside Illinois will print monthly issues this summer on the first Thursday of June, July and August, with an online-only version issued on the third Thursday of each summer month. The paper will return to its usual semi-monthly schedule Sept. 2. "We very much appreciate the campus and off-campus advertisers who put their confidence in us and placed ads this past year," said Doris Dahl, editor. "It was the first time in the paper's 25-year history that advertising was sold. We had hoped to pay for the printing of the paper and were pleased that revenue was high enough that we could return to printed issues in the summer. We realize that not all readers have access to the Web, so we're glad that we can provide the paper in printed format once again during the summer." According to Dahl, the past two summers Inside Illinois has published electronic-only issues, sending employees a mass e-mail to alert them that a new issue was available and providing a link to the current index. The paper will continue to sell advertising in its printed issues (no ads appear in the online versions of the publication). "Special summer rates are being offered to advertisers," Dahl said, "with a 20 percent discount to those who reserve space in all three summer printed issues." Inside Illinois premiered on campus as IlliniWeek, a weekly newspaper, in January 1979. The paper moved to semi-monthly as a budgetary strategy in August 1990 and was renamed Inside Illinois. The paper was redesigned in September 1999. Anyone interested in placing an ad in Inside Illinois may get more information from the Web at The schedules and rates for summer as well as academic year 2004-05 are posted. If you would like a printed brochure with rates and advertising guidelines, call 333-2895 or e-mail

  • Award-winning photojournalist to speak April 29

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Award-winning photojournalist James Nachtwey will visit the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus Tuesday (April 29) to discuss his experiences covering conflicts in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, Iraq, Kosovo, Rwanda and Somalia.

  • Restorative powers

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  • Two more project team reports online

    Two additional project team reports have been posted on the Stewarding Excellence @ Illinois website: the Institute of Aviation and IT@Illinois (information technology services).

  • UI president commends tough budget decisions; promises UI will maintain high quality

    UI President James J. Stukel has commended the budget crafted by Gov. Rod Blagojevich and the Illinois General Assembly as an austere plan to erase a crippling state deficit, and he said the university remains dedicated to preserving quality as it manages its way through the fiscal crisis.

  • GSLIS receives grant for data curation

    The Graduate School of Library and Information Science has been awarded a Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services totaling $988,543. The purpose of the grant is to develop a sustainable and transferable model for educating library and information science master's and doctoral students in data curation through field experiences in research and data centers.

  • Law School Day to take place Sept. 22 at University of Illinois

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Illinois college students preparing to apply to law school are invited to attend Law School Day at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on Sept. 22.

  • Chicago Academy of Sciences showcases UI exhibits, activities

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- Children will be able to whip up a little fun and learn while they're doing it Oct. 7-8 at the Chicago Academy of Sciences.

  • Law School Day takes place Oct. 13

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - College students preparing to apply to law school are invited to attend Law School Day at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on Oct. 13.

  • Fireswallow Project endorses 'Art'

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  • Working together

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  • 'Vision for the future' discussed at Annual Meeting of the Faculty

    Champaign Senate's Annual Meeting of the Faculty Oct. 25.

  • Welcome to the academy

    Welcome to the academy Promoted and newly tenured faculty were honored Nov. 9 with a reception at Grainger Engineering Library Information Center and a book plating, sponsored by Acting Provost Jesse Delia and University Librarian Paula Kaufman. Participating faculty members were asked to select books, either extant volumes or new additions to the university's collections, of personal significance to them and explain their rationale in 50 words or less. The 54 volumes chosen were embossed with commemorative bookplates for the 77 faculty members who participated; the books are on display in the library's main corridor. The program is in its fifth year.

  • Schedule announced for election

    Schedule announced for election Simple majority will determine if graduate students get union representation Graduate assistants (GAs) and most teaching assistants (TAs) are eligible to vote in an election Dec. 3 and 4 to determine whether they wish to be represented by GEO (Graduate Employee Organization) as their exclusive bargaining representative or whether they would prefer to have no representation. About 2,700 assistants are eligible to vote. The question will be decided by a majority vote. "The outcome of the election will affect current and future graduate assistants and teaching assistants at this campus," said Graduate College Dean Richard P. Wheeler, "and it is important that the decision reflect the preferences of all those who are eligible to vote. I encourage all eligible assistants to consider the arguments and information supporting and opposing union representation, to make an informed choice, and to vote in the election." Election schedule 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Dec. 3 - Illini Union Dec. 4 - Assembly Hall (Bring a photo ID) Questions about eligibility to vote and voting procedures: Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board 320 W. Washington St., Suite 260 Springfield IL 62701-1135 (217) 782-9068 (phone) (217) 782-9331 (fax) A list of assistants who are eligible to vote: Absentee ballots The Labor Board must receive a written request (at the address given above) at least 10 days before the election (no later than Nov. 22).

  • Campus ahead of energy-consumption goal

    This year the UI continues this exceed its goal of energy-consumption savings, according to Terry Ruprecht, director of energy conservation.

  • Senators debate disclosure policy at Dec. 8 meeting

    Senators debate disclosure policy at Dec. 8 meeting By Sharita Forrest, Assistant Editor 217-244-1072; A proposed amendment allowing university officials to publicize the outcomes of student disciplinary hearings evoked much debate at the Dec. 8 meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate. Nicholas Burbules, chair of the conference on conduct governance, presented a proposal to amend Rule 62 of the Campus Code of Policies and Regulations Applying to All Students that said that the "name, code violations and sanction of a student found in violation" of the Code "may be released to the public." Recent amendments to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act granted universities permission to disclose the final results of disciplinary proceedings involving students who are alleged perpetrators of violent crimes or non-forcible sex offenses if university officials determine that a student's criminal offense also violated university policies. The amendment was crafted by a task force of campus faculty members, students and administrators, which included associate dean of students William Riley. Burbules said they believed that disclosure was a matter of public safety and that it protected the university from potential liability if a previous offender were to re-offend. Moreover, the task force believed that the student disciplinary process might be the only recourse available to victims who decline to pursue prosecution. However, Burbules said that the disciplinary process is not a default mechanism and that often cases subject to criminal proceedings are also heard by student discipline. Several senators stringently objected to the proposal, including Linda Biehl, professor of law, who said the wording was vague and left disclosure open to subjective judgment. Other senators expressed concern that the policy violated due process, that it would stigmatize students and that it established the university as a proxy for law enforcement and the justice system in criminal matters where the university has no jurisdiction. Burbules said that current university statutes cite the criminal offenses named in FERPA as being violations of university policy, and that jurisdiction was not at issue. The amendment only granted university officials the option of publicizing the results of disciplinary proceedings. CCG member Mark Roszkowski, professor of business administration, spoke against the amendment at the meeting and in a memorandum to Chancellor Nancy Cantor that was distributed to the Senate. Roszkowski challenged the task force's rationale that disclosure was a matter of public safety and said he failed to see how disclosure would afford any protection to other students. In addition, Roszkowski said that reporting a violator's name under Section 951 of FERPA would tie the offender's name to the federal criminal code, thereby criminalizing the disciplinary proceedings. Disclosure would be viewed by the violator and the public as a punitive sanction and would violate the rights of criminal defendants. Roszkowski also expressed concern that publicizing students' names and alleged offenses would undermine the educational value of the disciplinary process by encouraging students to deny wrongdoing in an attempt to circumvent the disciplinary process and public scrutiny. "I think the proponents of this proposal seriously underestimate the criminal character of this sanction," Roszkowski said. "This proposal is a bad idea. It's bad for victims. It's bad for the accused. It's bad for the disciplinary system because it destroys the integrity of the system." Cantor volunteered to meet with CCG to address the concerns raised by senators before rendering a decision on the amendment. In other business:

  • UI joins University Affiliates program of American Academy of Arts and Sciences

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has joined the University Affiliates program instituted by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The program involves 40 U.S. academic institutions whose purpose is to help support and develop the academys research, particularly through its new Visiting Scholars Center.

  • Trustees review proposed revisions to campus Master Plan

    Trustees review proposed revisions to campus Master Plan By Sabryna Cornish, UIC News Bureau

  • Easter sees improvement, plenty of challenges ahead

    Honest introspection, vigorous discussion, strong leadership, increased outreach and effective strategic planning will not keep the U. of I. from the tumult encompassing higher education.

  • Toy collection (2006)

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  • Symposium to focus on helping disabled enter work force

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Disability benefits disbursed by the Social Security Administration add up to $100 billion per year, according to Tanya Gallagher, the dean of the College of Applied Life Studies and director of the Disability Research Institute (DRI) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

  • USC wants faculty involved in Global Campus startup

  • Trustees discuss future of Global Campus, FY09 budget

    At the March 11 meeting of the UI Board of Trustees in Urbana, President B. Joseph White agreed to work with faculty members from the University Senates Conference in appointing three additional people to the academic policy council that oversees Global Campus. White agreed to amend the constitution for the Global Campus accordingly before the board approved it. Chester Gardner, who has led the online program since its inception, was appointed its chief executive.

  • Advocating for the University of Illinois

    When times are tough, who will speak up for the University of Illinois?

  • Ginsburg honored for international achievement


  • Brain Day 2009: Spend a day exploring your own and others' brains

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Explore the mysteries of your brain April 26 at Lincoln Square Village in Urbana, and literally touch the brains of other creatures. "Brains Rock!" is the theme of this year's Brain Day, which will take place from 1-5 p.m. in the south hallway of the mall.

  • Chancellor reports on campus efforts to retain faculty

    Lately a lot of attention has been paid to campus efforts to revolutionize undergraduate education and recruit and attract faculty members from outside the university.

  • Illinois professor to receive presidential early career award

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Robert W. Ghrist, a professor of mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is among 57 young researchers named today as recipients of the 2002 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the government on young professionals at the outset of their independent research careers. Ghrist will receive his award today (May 4) in a White House ceremony.

  • Financial group to be investigated for defrauding state employees

    Financial group to be investigated for defrauding state employees

  • U-C Senate discusses Campus Strategic Plan

    Faculty members voiced concerns about the priorities outlined in the Campus Strategic Plan – and their potential impact on institutional quality and campus units’ budgets - when the Urbana-Champaign Senate met April 24.

  • Senate discusses future 'financial challenges'

    The coming months may not afford much summer vacation to those dedicated to campus shared governance, said Urbana-Champaign Senate chairwoman Joyce Tolliver at the April 26 meeting.

  • Senate review report may lead to future reforms

    A report reviewing the full breadth of the responsibilities of the Urbana-Champaign Senate is expected to lead to action following its acceptance at the May 4 meeting.

  • Cutting energy usage 'right thing to do,' Urbana chancellor says

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has established a goal of reducing the energy consumption of existing buildings by 10 percent over the next three years and has established a five-year target of rolling back usage to 1990 standards, consistent with the Kyoto Protocol.

  • Last call for Benefit Choice

    Benefit Choice open enrollment ends June 1. U. of I. employees who have not already done so are reminded that if they wish to make changes to their health or dental insurance, dependent coverage or flexible spending plans, the changes must be made using NESSIE, the university’s online self-service benefits application. All changes must be made by June 1 and will have an effective date of July 1.

  • State woes multiply with Supreme Court’s pension ruling

    The Illinois Supreme Court May 8 struck down legislation passed in 2013 that would have scaled back state employee benefits.

  • Make benefits choices by June 15

    Despite continued uncertainty over next year's university health care benefits, the state has announced June 15 as the end date of the Benefits Choice period.

  • Trustees discuss financial outlook, approve appointments

    UI President B. Joseph White predicted that FY07, which begins July 1, would be a good year for the university in terms of marshaling the $100 million in resources needed to help the UI meet its most urgent needs and objectives. He made his comments about the FY07 preliminary operating budget during a teleconference meeting of the UI Board of Trustees on June 5.

  • Fall tuition to increase less than expected

    Expressing reluctance to add to the financial burdens of students and their families in tough economic times, university trustees  approved a 2.6 percent tuition increase for new Illinois resident undergraduate students – less than the 4 percent increase originally proposed.

  • Chancellors present e-Learning Initiative to trustees

    Chancellors of the three UI campuses presented their initial plans for the future of the university’s online degree programs – including more intercampus collaboration and blended learning – at the July 23 UI Board of Trustees meeting at UIC.