Schedule announced for election Simple majority will determine if graduate students get union representation Graduate assistants (GAs) and most teaching assistants (TAs) are eligible to vote in an election Dec. 3 and 4 to determine whether they wish to be represented by GEO (Graduate Employee Organization) as their exclusive bargaining representative or whether they would prefer to have no representation. About 2,700 assistants are eligible to vote. The question will be decided by a majority vote. "The outcome of the election will affect current and future graduate assistants and teaching assistants at this campus," said Graduate College Dean Richard P. Wheeler, "and it is important that the decision reflect the preferences of all those who are eligible to vote. I encourage all eligible assistants to consider the arguments and information supporting and opposing union representation, to make an informed choice, and to vote in the election." Election schedule 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Dec. 3 – Illini Union Dec. 4 - Assembly Hall (Bring a photo ID) Questions about eligibility to vote and voting procedures: Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board 320 W. Washington St., Suite 260 Springfield IL 62701-1135 (217) 782-9068 (phone) (217) 782-9331 (fax) A list of assistants who are eligible to vote: Absentee ballots The Labor Board must receive a written request (at the address given above) at least 10 days before the election (no later than Nov. 22).
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