CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – An award ceremony to honor student employees of the year is scheduled for 3 to 5 p.m. April 7 in the General Lounge of the Illini Union, 1401 W. Green St., Urbana.
The ceremony is being held by the student employment unit of the Office of Student Financial Aid to celebrate National Student Employment Week, April 2-8.
Last year, six students were selected from 50 nominations. This year’s winners will be announced at the ceremony.
“Even though student employees are generally part-time temporary employees, it’s important to recognize and acknowledge the value of their work,” said Grace Casillas, the assistant to the director of the Office of Student Financial Aid. “We believe most of these students genuinely care about their work and take pride in doing a good job. They understand that this work experience is helping to build career experiences.
“And from a financial aid perspective, this is a good opportunity to remind students of the value of work over loans. Many students simply do not have the option of relying on financial assistance from their parents.”
The University of Illinois has more than 16,000 students on its hourly payroll, totaling more than $16,400,000 in pay per year.
The winners will receive a collection of prizes donated from businesses and campus departments. Qualities being rewarded include reliability, quality of work, initiative, professionalism and uniqueness of contribution. Winners are selected by a subcommittee of the campus committee on financial aid to students.
“When you consider the numbers of students we employ each year, I think it’s safe to say that the university would be hard-pressed to function without them,” Casillas said.
“Not only do they perform vital job duties which help many departments get through peak periods but they also contribute a fresh perspective, enthusiasm, energy, and much-needed technical skills to their jobs,” Casillas said.
“In addition, one of the benefits of student employment is the opportunity to do community service. We have students doing very essential and rewarding work at the Children’s Home and Aid Society, the Illinois Center for Citizen Involvement., Marilyn Queller Child Care Center, and the Illinois Pro Bono Center.”