CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – The Mothers Association’s Medallion of Honor was presented to Susan L. Gravenhorst during Moms Weekend activities last month at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Since 1977, the medallion has been given to a woman or man affiliated in some way with the U. of I. Nominations are solicited from deans, directors and departments on campus.
Gravenhorst, a U. of I. trustee for 18 years, was nominated by Samuel K. Gove, director and professor emeritus in the Institute of Government and Public Affairs. Letters of support came from Barbara Hundley, vice president of alumni relations and associate chancellor at the U. of I.; Naomi B. Lynn, chancellor emeritus of the Springfield campus of the U. of I.; and Kenneth E. Anderson, professor emeritus of speech communication.
According to the selection committee, “Each letter talked about Ms. Gravenhorst’s tireless efforts to strengthen the university and to bring the distinction of Illinois to the attention of people throughout the state and across the nation.”
Gravenhorst received the 1999 Distinguished Service Award in Trusteeship, given each year by the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges to one person who exemplifies the best of volunteer service to independent and higher education.
The Medallion of Honor award puts her in the company of such past winners as U. of I. Police Capt. Krystal Fitzpatrick, Judith Ikenberry and professors Ollie Watts Davis, May Berenbaum, Benita Katzenellenbogen and Ruth Anne Clark.