CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – Two University of Illinois faculty members have been selected to receive 2010 Sloan Research Fellowships from the Alfred P. Sloan foundation: Yann R. Chemla, a professor of physics, and Karrie Karahalios, a professor of computer science.
The two are among 118 early career scientists and researchers chosen to receive the two-year, $50,000 awards. In keeping with its goal of recognizing potential groundbreakers in their respective fields, the program allows fellows to pursue their choice of research topics and gives them flexibility in applying funds toward their research.
Chemla’s research focuses on molecular motors – complex molecules that carry out specialized tasks within the cell, such as gene replication or cellular transport. He uses biophysical techniques, such as laser “tweezers” called optical traps, to study how molecular machines convert chemical energy into mechanical work.
Karahalios works with interpersonal interaction in networked environments. She designs and implements communication channels involving perceived social cues in networked electronic spaces, then incorporates those cues into the physical and virtual interface in the hopes of making technology-mediated interaction more intuitive.
Sloan Research Fellowships have been awarded since 1953.
Editor’s note: To contact Yann Chemla, call 217-333-6501; e-mail
To contact Karrie Karahalios, call 217-265-6841; e-mail