CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Six University of Illinois student leaders have received scholarships to support their studies during the 2000-01 academic year.
Each student will receive a $1,000 award. The scholarships, which are awarded to juniors and seniors with a minimum 2.5 grade-point average (on a 4.0 scale), are funded by UI friends and alumni.
The awards are intended to offset financial burdens that might prevent student leaders from accepting major leadership roles in their colleges or on campus during the upcoming school year.
The awards and their recipients:
The Edith and Harry Darby Leadership Scholarship, established to honor U.S. Sen. Harry Darby and his wife, was awarded to Sara Churchill, 1700 Hermitage Drive, New Lenox, junior in the College of Education, and Erika Harold, 108 E. McHenry St., Urbana, junior in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. A UI alumnus, Harry Darby was president of the Illinois Union, which raised funds for construction of the Illini Union.
The Stanley R. Levy Leadership Scholarship, established by alumni, former student leaders and friends to honor the former vice chancellor for student affairs, was awarded to Brent Schwoerer, R.R. 4, Bloomington, and Danielle Osler, 14598 Estate Drive, Woodbridge, Va., both juniors in the College of Engineering.
The Susan Morrison Teegarden Leadership Scholarship, named for an alumna who was the first female president of the Illini Union Board, was awarded to Elaine Tiu, 9001 Forest Drive, Hickory Hills, junior, and Sarah McKibben, 1102 Scott Ave., Rochelle, senior, both in the College of Commerce and Business Administration.